I would like to understand why Mom wakes me up at 4am, wanting to know the time. First of all, she has a perfectly good wristwatch, which is never taken off. It has large letters, so if she took the time to look, she would know the correct time. No, she calls me until I wake out of a sound sleep, thinking she's having a medical emergency, only to hear my favorite question " Peggy, do you know what time it is?".
After I finish writing, I am going to walk the dog to the hardware store, and purchase a small digital wall clock. Queen Elizabeth will be able to turn her head at night, and see the 'correct time' ( another phrase wich has stuck in my foggy brain) As I type, I wonder what would happen if I answered her by saying "No, I do not know the time".
Mom isn't really looking for the time: it's not as though she is preparing a horoscope, or a navigational chart. She is awake, bored and wants company. That's understandable, but by waking me, all she gets is a very cranky diabetic, who is struggling to keep her temper. At least I do keep my temper, and manage to give her the time, remove my eyeglasses ( which were put on in a bleary haze) and go back to sleep.
So, I do try to respect her: she's my Mom, I love her, although some of her habits are driving me a little batty.