Monday, November 8, 2010

"All The Livelong Day"

Thanks to the Aged Parent, I felt like this cat.  When Mom met with the hospital social worker Friday morning, she told her the following:

1.  that Mother knew she was in Vermont;
2.  that she had been in the rehab center since March;
3   that she wanted to go home.

The social worker knew that neither she nor Aged Parent were in Vermont ( they were in Brooklyn, NY) but accepted the second item without checking with the rehab center.  So, the ambulette driver thought he was taking Mom to a rehab facility, and the Visiting Nurse service never opened her case because they'd been told the patient was not going home.

Mom arrived home Friday night.  This morning, I called the agency to find out why her case had not started.  Agency said patient had been sent to rehab, and I told them, 'no, Elizabeth Michaels is at her home".  After phoning the hospital social worker, I managed to untangle this mess, and get her case activated.

It was like being in Alice's Wonderland, where all the absurdities are accepted as truths, and truths become absurdities.  My guess is Mom sounded fully competent when the social worker interviewed her, so she did not question anything Mother told her.  As a professional caseworker, how can you not double check the record of a 84 year old patient, who in the past two weeks, has gone from her home, to the hospital, to a rehab unit, then was sent back to the hospital.?

Oh, don piano

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