Sunday, December 26, 2010

Boxing Day

And how the Aged Parent and I would love to box each others' ears. Mom said ' for 26 years, I fixed dinner and nobody ever had a problem with it, but your sister and I can't agree about anything". Never mind the fact I spent hours on my feet preparing and cooking Christmas Dinner, then washed all the dishes from the family feast. No, I am a bad daughter because I kept the meals low in salt, and did not fix gravy.

If I were a better Christian, I'd try to see it from her point of view. She's stuck in a wheelchair--by her own choice, but that is for another post called 'Lack of Exercise". Mom spent a good part of the year either in hospital or rehab. She knows her body is not in good shape, and at 84, she's fairly sharp, but does get confused when she is tired.

OK--but why is she being such a grouch today. We had such a good time yesterday. It's not all that suprising because Mom spent the better part of Christmas being annoyed at her Grandaughter, who stopped by for a short visit, then went down to Delaware with her boyfriend. All in all, we had a very good time, and I thought Mom was comfortable with the world and her family.

Wrong wrong wrong. She's is a pilly mood. I suggested she change her adult diaper, and she told me 'you said the pants were clean and I could wear them:. I pointed out that was several hours ago, and did she want a change now? The Aged Parent has no sense of smell--she lost it in childhood, so she is blissifully unaware of the strong odors that waft from a soiled or wet Depends.

It's just the negativity and moodiness that make me annoyed

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